Pathways in Communication
What are Pathways in Communication? Heading link

What are Pathways in Communication?
Pathways in Communication are optional flexible concentrations of courses. If you want, you can follow a Pathway when planning your Communication major. Each Pathway contains suggestions of possible courses you might like to take – you wouldn’t take all of the courses, but rather select as many as you’d like within a Pathway. You can mix and match courses across Pathways, you can start from scratch and build your own Pathway, or you might decide you’d rather not follow a Pathway. The Communication major is nothing if not flexible, so you can choose to explore every facet of the field with a relatively freeform approach, or follow a Pathway and focus more specifically on, say, Public Relations/Advertising/Digital Marketing, Data Analytics/Media Literacy, or any of the other options…including Build Your Own Pathway.