Eulàlia P. Abril
Associate Professor
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Eulàlia P. Abril is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and an affiliate faculty in the Department of Political Science and Physical Therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Her research revolves around persuasion, campaigns, and social media with topics in the areas of health and political communication. She has been published in the major Health Communication journals like Journal of Health Communication and Health Communication, as well as in the top journals in Communication such as the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Journal of Computed-Mediation Communication, New Media & Society, and the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.
Her university training and research have taken her to Europe, North and South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa—for which Abril has been awarded fellowships and scholarships from the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program, the Center for German & European Studies, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, all at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; the Danish Research Agency, Denmark; the European Union SOCRATES Programme, The Royal Veterinarian and Agricultural University, Denmark; and European Union ERASMUS Programme, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Catalonia.
Follow her on Twitter @puigabril or check her Google Scholar profile.
Selected Publications
Abril, E. P., Szczypka, G., Emery, S. L. (2017). LMFAO! Humor as a Reaction to Fear. Decomposing Fear Control Within the Extended Parallel Process Model. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.61(1), 126-143.
Abril, E. P. (2016). Tracking Myself: Assessing the Contribution of Mobile Technologies for Self-Trackers of Weight, Diet, or Exercise. Journal of Health Communication. 21(6), 638-646.
Hull, S., Abril, E. P., Shah, D. V., Choi, M., Chih, M. Y., Kim, S. C., McTavish, F., & Gustafson, D. H. (2016). Self-Determination Theory and Computer-Mediated Support: Modeling Effects on Breast Cancer Patients’ Quality-of-Life. Health Communication. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/10410236.2015.1048422
Abril, E. P., Kupczyk, M., Zwicke, G. L., Mastarone, G. L., Irwin, T., & Dykens. (2015). Health Communication Practices in Rural Senegal. An Assessment to Support Cervical Cancer Screening. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 43(2), 242-262.
Emery, S. L., Szczypka, G., Abril, E. P., Kim, Y., & James, L. (2014). Are you Scared Yet? Evaluating Fear Appeal Messages in Tweets about the Tips Campaign. Journal of Communication, 64(2), 278-295.